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Walk On: It’s National Walking Day

What better way to support National Walking Day than to take action?  We have two ways for you to do that that have the potential to make a difference:

  • Share your opinion on the Surgeon General’s proposed call to action for walking. The public comment period for Walking as a Way for Americans to Get the Recommended Amount of Physical Activity for Health is now open at the Federal Register. Your comments on what you hope to see in the proposed call to action will contribute to the overall response by the Office of the Surgeon General.  Encourage friends and colleagues to chime in with their thoughts, too.  The public comment period runs until April 30, and you can share your thoughts at
  • On a more personal level, make a pledge to walk more.  On the Every Body Walk! website, you can pledge to increase your walking any number of ways:  taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walking your dog, parking further away from your destination, and other small steps than can add up to big changes in your health and well being.

For more information and inspiration, visit the Every Body Walk! website.


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