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Innovator Spotlight: CarePort’s Brenda Tea, RN

careportAt the TEDMED reception held at the Center for Total Health in April, several innovators in attendance were introduced to the crowd. What drives these innovators is something we wanted to delve into a little more deeply, so over the next several weeks, we will be spotlighting each individually. Today, the first in this spotlight series, we speak with Brenda Tea, RN, director of compliance and quality assurance for CarePort — a teleRehab system that shortens the timeline to reach patient outcomes and concurrently reduces re-hospitalizations. Careport promotes adherence to a prescribed home exercise regimen, and increases data capture and intervention to important patient changes.

CTH Blog:
First, please tell us a little about yourself and why you became interested in health and technology.

Brenda Tea:
I love helping people and am passionate about improvement. Technology is exciting – it gives me advantages as a clinician and as a leader of care providers.

CTH Blog:
Being an entrepreneur must be very rewarding and exciting, but also quite challenging. What is the passion that drives you?

A busy mind! I wake up thinking about how today can be better.

CTH Blog:
How did you get into your current field? How long have you been working on this project or company?

I have a deep caring and work ethic (Thanks Mom and Dad!). I found being flexible and forward thinking with every opportunity that crossed my path took me to the next really good project. Most recently, I have been in post acute care/home health for the last twelve years.

CTH Blog:
What do you think is the most exciting innovation or trend happening health care right now?

At the moment, it’s mobile and wireless health applications. Access is key.

CTH Blog:
Describe your vision of the future of health or health care.

My vision is helping people to a healthier, better quality life where technology is the vehicle and human caring and concern are (still) the drivers.

CTH Blog:
At Kaiser Permanente, we think of “total health” as a combination of mind, body and spirit. What does total health mean to you?

Certainly, the meaning of total health is individual to each person, but I think it is reaching optimal potential: having power over how you live, to the greatest extent possible, and for as long as possible.

Please note that Kaiser Permanente does not endorse the products featured in these discussions.

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