From a very young age we’re taught that “small” can make a big impact—“The Lion and the Mouse,” David and Goliath. This notion has taken center stage as mobile devices increasingly replace stacks of paper and clunky desktop computers. Consumers continue to demand easy and convenient access to all parts of their lives – now more than ever through mobile technology, and today this extends to matters related to their own health and health care.
Being able to access your medical record no matter where you are or what care provider you are seeing not only informs clinicians and helps them provide the highest quality care possible, it connects you to your health in a way that’s never been done before. Today, Kaiser Permanente launched a mobile-optimized version of its member website,, and an Android application to provide the next level of connectivity to its members (an iPhone app is also on the horizon). With this latest announcement, Kaiser Permanente is hoping that pairing convenience with a great user experience will meet members’ needs and ultimately result in improved health and patient-physician relationships.
For more on consumer engagement and health IT innovations, check out this podcast, recorded in 2011, with Christine Paige, senior vice president for Marketing and Internet Services for Kaiser Permanente. The podcast features an interview of Paige by Lola Butcher, health care journalist and World Congress contributing editor, regarding Paige’s keynote address at the 6th Annual Employer Health, Human Capital & Wellness Congress.
Mobile Technology and Health