Health care providers, innovators, policy and health IT experts, government agencies and technology companies gathered at the Center for Total Health on Oct. 14 to discuss transitions in care. The goal was to look for ways to improve those transitions — from hospital to skilled nursing facility, or from nursing facility to home, for example — and to consider how advances in health IT can address some of the challenges inherent to transitions. The working meeting, “Putting the IT in Care Transitions,” was hosted by John A. Hartford Foundation, the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and Kaiser Permanente. Media partners for the event were Health Affairs, and Health 2.0. The Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT at the Department of Health and Human Services and the HHS Partnership for Patients Initiative were key participants.
At the event, the Center for Total Health blog was able to get a few minutes with Susan Dentzer, editor-in-chief for Health Affairs. Check out this video for Susan’s thoughts on transitions in care.
More videos of one-on-one conversations with participants from this event are on their way, so stay tuned.