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This Week at the CTH: Google Glass Meetup & Future of Health

Silica Labs' CTO Antonio Zugaldia talks Google Glass with Meetup crowd at CTH
Silica Labs’ CTO Antonio Zugaldia talks Google Glass with Meetup crowd at CTH.

Last night, the Kaiser Permanente Center for Total Health was delighted to host a Google Glass Meetup with help from Silica Labs (@silicalabs on Twitter). After a great demonstration from Silica Labs Chief Technology Officer Antonio Zugaldia (@zugaldia), we asked the Meetup guests to share their ideas for Google Glass – in one minute or less. The many great ideas we heard included:

  • Allowing hospital clinicians to work hands free, reducing the chances for germ transmission by making pages, texts, and information viewable on the glass
  • Allowing the hearing impaired to have closed-captioning of conversations and events on demand
  • Providing feedback for individuals on the autism spectrum to aid in daily interactions
  • Helping support mothers in breastfeeding, from lactation consulting to finding mom-friendly locations on the go
  • Allowing physicians and clinicians to see vital, real-time patient data while looking at the patient (no computer or screen required), hands-free

Without a doubt, there are many potential uses for the Google Glass in health care and beyond. We know we aren’t alone in being curious about the Glass and its role in our future.

How would you use Google Glass? What apps would you like to see developed?  You can find a personal reaction from our Physician Director Ted Eytan, MD, on his blog. More photos from the event available here and here.

Please note that Kaiser Permanente does not endorse the products featured in these discussions.

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