The week of July 18 was a busy one for the Center for Total Health, with six events in five days, including three for 100 people each.
The week started off with the Smart Growth America Local Leaders Summit (@SGALocalLeaders), a gathering of local officials from cities and towns across the country. The day covered a number of strategies for building health into municipalities of all sizes, from small, rural towns to large, urban cities. True to form, the attendees enjoyed a walk through the neighborhood, including a view of our complete street from the bridge above.
A health organization team retreat and a school nutrition non-profit training kept us on our toes on Wednesday.
The end of the week was filled by young residents of Washington, DC, participating in the city’s Summer Youth Employment Program (@MBSYEP). Over two days, nearly 200 participants came to the CTH to participate in health workshops led by Kaiser Permanente’s (@KPMidAtlantic) Health Education team on topics ranging from quality ratings to relaxation techniques.
Deputy Mayor for Greater Economic Opportunity Courtney R. Snowden (@DMGEOSnowden) spoke to the students, reminding them that every minute of every day is an opportunity to work toward their goals. It was great to spend two days with the future of this city.
![Deputy Mayor for Greater Economic Opportunity Courtney R. Snowden addresses SYEP participants.](