The Center for Total Health just marked its one year anniversary of population sensing on the street outside our building, 2nd Street, NE, which also happens to be the Metropolitan Branch Trail.
We learned through sensing the trail that it’s very much alive – up to 1,200 people walk it every day!
In 2015, the section of the trail we innovate on also added a Capital Bikeshare station, and became a complete street, when both sides of 2nd Street were completed.
With the help of Washington, D.C.’s Open Data Diplomat, Michael Schade, we created an infographic showing how we can quantify our streets and communities in the 21st Century.
If you’d like to learn more about our program to quantify the trail: What Exactly IS the Trail Modeling & Assessment Platform, and Why Do We Care?
Feel free to share, and let us know if you have any questions. Active transportation is the future, and it’s the present for us 🙂 .